Youth Drug Use: What We Don’t Know CAN Hurt Us

“The gap between what parents know and what teens know about the drug scene here is huge,” is how Don Carney opens our conversation. He informs me bluntly, “Parents are out of the loop.” Despite the knowledge gaps, Don asserts there is plenty we can do to influence behaviors and take care of our children. The keys he offers coalesce around attention, attachment and agency.

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Marin is Raising the Bar

Most Marin parents will tell you that it isn’t uncommon to see alcohol consumed on the sidelines at youth sporting events or at team parties. Or that they have been offered a drink while out trick-or-treating with their kids. Or they have sent their nervous teens off to their first prom while sipping wine with other parents. It’s completely normal. But, some are questioning, should it be?

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The Race

While trying to get kids to stop using and abusing alcohol and other drugs through educating them on the dangers or by trying to curb our own alcohol use in order to set a better example may have some success, these methods only treat symptoms. Like eradicating any disease, calming symptoms is only a temporary fix until the root cause of the disease is addressed.

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The Why Question

I am constantly asking questions like: Why are our kids making unhealthy choices?  What are they seeking (mostly implicitly) as they make unhealthy choices?  What is being modeled for them?  Are the community leaders helping them to make wise choices? and more…

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